I was not feeling well last week. got viral fever... recovering still .. so here is a picture of that mood ...
... a long long journey for 40 hours in train... from Bangalore to Kolkata. This train takes the east coastal road through out Tamilnadu, AndraPradesh, Orissa and then WestBengal.
two nights and one day within the train, in this A/C compartment, you can't see much of outside landscapes but the faces of your other co-passengers.. a truly boring journey ... but nothing can be done to overcome this.
This person in the foreground had not slept last night. He was going to Assam, He learned that there were some kind of Riots in Assam by ULFA , some of the Bihari people were already evacuated from the land of Assam , He was quite worried about it.I saw him talking over mobile phone every hour.
on the other hand this little boy was so spontaneous always, always doing something very important !!! His mother was also got tired atlast...
those are the 40 hours of insomnia...Labels: Journey, On the way |
Hey, the pic has come out great. Especially the mood of the kid and the person in distress. The b/w sets the pic appart. Would love to see the orignal (coloured) too.