Vegetable vendor at Russel Market. Early in the morning , First ray of the sun fell on him from behind. A reflected glowing light from the tomatoes, garlics and onions created some kind of surreal effect on his face. Not enough to see it, not so less to hide it, may be it was just perfect as to hide his inner self. I can only imagine here. He may be in his late fifties. I wonder, his son or daughter might be as old as me and working somewhere or doing some business. He must retire from his job at this stage when his child would be earning enough to look him after. I don't really know the situation here. May be he does it because , his children are still searching for a job or do not earn money enough; may be he does it because he does not want to be on the mercy of his children for a living. Another moment of life, for a survive, for a better day.
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